Currently a Hewlett Visiting Fellow for Public Policy at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame. He has held the following government positions: Secretary of Planning to President Bolaños, Vice Minister of Finance, General Director of the Millennium Account Program in Nicaragua, and Executive Director of FUNIDES, the most important Think Tank of Nicaragua until it was closed by the Ortega regime. He also served as CEO of exporting company MACESA.
As Coordinator of the Civic Alliance, he participated actively in the negotiations with the Government of Nicaragua after the protests of 2018 and at a second round of negotiations in 2019. In 2021 he registered as a Pre-Candidate to the Presidency of the Republic under the Ciudadanos por la Libertad party. In June 8th, 2021, he was arbitrarily detained in his house. After a trial with no witnesses, other than Police officers, and without the possibility of a real defense, he was condemned to 13 years in prison February 23rd, 2022. After almost two years in prison, he was released and banished from the country, stripped of his nationality, and confiscated.
He holds a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a master’s degree from Georgetown University and a Bachelor from the University of San Francisco, California.