Manuel Orozco
Director, Inter-American Dialogue

Manuel Orozco is Senior Migration and Remittances Advisor for the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Senior fellow and director of remittances and development at the Inter-American Dialogue, president of Migration and Development Group. He has theorized, conducted extensive research, policy analysis and advocacy on issues relating to global flows of remittances, and migration and development worldwide. His work has led to international policy and business initiatives leveraging these flows to build assets among families and migrants, and strengthen market competition. Dr. Orozco is also chair of Central America and the Caribbean at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute at the U.S. Department of State. He also teaches at American University, and George Washington University. He testified every year before Congress and has spoken before the United Nations. Orozco holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Texas at Austin, masters in public administration and Latin American studies, and a BA in international relations from the National University of Costa Rica.